Indoor & Environmental Health Organization


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Authorized Inspector

Become an AI

- Start a new career,

- or Enhance your existing Environmental business.

- Increase your cashflow.

- Create repeat customers and residual income.

- The iEHO AI opportunity is useful and profitable for Environmental Engineering and Inspection Firms, Building and Home Inspection Firms and Individuals, Inspectors of all types, and Individuals who wish to start a new business and career in the Environmental field.

- As an iEHO Authorized Inspector, you will be “authorized” to provide iEHO Certifications.

AI Requirements and Qualifications:

- When applying for AI registration, Individuals or Firms must provide proof of adequate certification with documentation from a bona fide school, college, university, or training organization.

- An applicant must have an Environmental related degree, or have educational or training certification in an Environmental Inspection or Assessment related discipline.

Note: There are numerous organizations and institutions that offer short and longer courses, certifications and and educational programs related to environmental inspection and assessment. For example: ACAC.

iEHO supports and considers all related organizations, institutions, courses, and certifications.

- An “Authorized Inspector” designation will be granted on the merits of an applicant at the discretion of iEHO.

- Once an applicant is “approved”, the iEHO “Authorized Inspector” designation will be granted upon receipt of the “one time” initial licensing fee. Access will then be provided to “AI” resources.

- Non-refundable fees (usd): $105.00 application fee due with application, plus $945.00 “one time” initial licensing fee due upon approval.

- Initial licensing fee includes 2 year waiver of annual AI licencing fee (value = $75.00 per year).

- The annual AI licencing fee may also be waived based on Certification volumes after 2 years.

Become an Associate Member!

Benefits of Membership:

- Access to complete iEHO Resource Library including Standards and Protocols.

- Licence for use of iEHO Standards and Protocols, name, logo, and distribution materials designed for clients.

Annual Associate Member Fee: $65.00 usd

*Download and read iEHO Associate Member Agreement


Download AI Application Forms and Agreement from the Resources section.

- Authorized Inspectors only may apply for iEHO CEI Certification.

- This additional CEI (Certified Environmental Inspector) designation    is earned by practicum and may be applied for after 2 years, or    after 12 Project/Property Certifications have been completed.

- CEI Certification fee (usd): $500.00

Download CEI Application Forms from the Resources section.

Additional iEHO CEI Certification

for Environmental Inspectors

Certified Environmental Inspector