Indoor & Environmental Health Organization


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Download complete IAQ Standards, Guidelines, and Protocols from the Resources section.

1)  Mold (Airborne Spore Count per Cubic Meter (asc/m³): “not elevated” condition and 900 or less, or “not elevated” condition and 900 < less than baseline to a maximum of 2500 asc/m³.

2)  Particulate Matter (PM):

(a)  Dylos preferred measurement (Total Particles > 0.5 microns including PM 2.5 and PM 10 particles per cubic foot (p/ft³) of air): less than 100,000;

(b)  Substitute measurements (non Dylos instrument in micrograms (μg/m³)):

PM 2.5 = 9 μg/m³ or less, and PM 10 = 9 μg/m³ or less.

3)  Carbon Monoxide (CO - ppm): less than < 1.

4)  Carbon Dioxide (CO² - ppm): 950 or less.

5)  Hydrogen Sulfide (H²S - ppm (common component in sewer gas): less than < 1.

6)  Combustible Gas: Should be not detectable, or less than < 0.5% LEL.

7)  Total Volatile Organic Compounds (tVOC - ppm): less than < 1.

8)  Formaldehyde (HCHO/CH2O - ppm): less than < 1.

9)  Asbestos Particulate:

(a)  AOC (Air-O-Cell cassette sample media): not detectable in air samples;

(b)  TEM (transmission electron microscopy cassette sample media): limit 0.1 f/cm3 (fibres/cm3).

10)  Radon Gas (Rn222) (picoCurie per litre (pCi/L) of air): less than < 7.

11)  Electric Magnetic Field (EMF, MF, EF), Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMR):

(a)  Magnetic Field 5hz - 100khz: less than < 10mG (milliGauss);

(b)  RF(radio frequency) Electric Field 100khz - 3ghz: less than < 0.03kV/m(kiloVolts per meter).

12)  Background Radiation (mR/hr (mRem)): less than < 0.8.